The insurance market is booming. But do you care enough?
988 mn Indians are not insured. And, most of the rest aren’t adequately insured.
Top 5 reasons for this “I don’t care” attitude :
- No information
- Miss-information
- Adverse Selection – I am healthy. It is for people who don’t take care of their health
- Anecdotal Fallacy – My best friend’s uncle never got his claim settled. Not worth it. I rather save for my family’s medical emergencies
- Procrastination
Covid19 has woken up such Indians to the need for Insurance. Congrats, you’re now essential.
But, are you prepared to serve millions of these Indians?

Ask yourself these questions to check how prepared are you -
1. Does your Digital strategy include an element of understanding human behaviour?
2. Are you radically empowering your distribution channel to live up to the post-CoVid digital world?
3. Who do you think is your competitor in terms of buying experience? Other insurers or Amazon?
The insurance market is up for grab.
The question is do you care enough?